Atanas Laskov 🏳️‍🌈

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May 22, 2016 18:25 BST

Laskov Thistle

Arha In The Labyrinth

May 1, 2016 10:31 BST



April 9, 2016 21:59 BST

I have two important paper „mementos” that help keep my focus on any task. There is the philosophy summary. And there is also the current action memento.

The current action memento is very simple. It contains one word written in big letters. There could be 1-2 secondary things, written out in a smaller font, but it is important to keep it simple. The philosophy memento is a half-page summary of practically important ideas.
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© 2016 Atanas Laskov

Atanas Laskov 🏳️‍🌈