Atanas Laskov 🏳️‍🌈

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Sephirot Images

December 24, 2022 12:11 GMT

I’m drawing icons for the planetary spheres of the Qabalah, this is the first batch. “Sephirot” means sphere in Hebrew. The first one is Kether, traditionally represented by a king in profile. In my version it is both a queen and a king.


The second image is Chockmah which translated from Hebrew means “wisdom”. It can also be characterised as expansive energy, and corresponds to the titan god Uran who governs the starry sky.


The image below is my drawing for the third sphere in the Qabalah tree of life. “Binah” means understanding and also is associated to processing sorrow.


© 2022 Atanas Laskov

Atanas Laskov 🏳️‍🌈