Atanas Laskov 🏳️‍🌈

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Charles Bargue

September 22, 2018 12:30 BST

Back in the 19th century, Charles Bargue observed the quality of draughtsmanship at the French academy was declining. He traced the cause to the lack of classical models, and created a series of nearly 200 lithographs to be copied by students.

The drawing course he created consisted of the following:

* Classical models of sculptures, like the Belvedere Torso, the head of Dante, and various arms, legs, hand and feet.
* Series of academical figure drawings in a simplified linear style.
* Master drawings intended to be copied as accurately as possible by the students.

Having re-copied all the litographs the student was ready to draw from life. Van Gogh copied the entire set, so that’s 200 large drawings meticulously copied, and if you assume 5 days per copy it totals 1000 days of drawing.

© 2018 Atanas Laskov

Atanas Laskov 🏳️‍🌈